5 Best Things To Do In Marzamemi, Sicily

The sleepy fishing village of Marzamemi, Sicily, is located just a few kilometres from the southernmost point of the island. Tucked into the southeast corner of the country, Marzamemi isn’t necessarily a destination for those visiting the likes of Sicily, but it’s truly worth  a visit.

Marzamemi is also conveniently located just a 25-minute drive from Noto, the famous Baroque capital of Sicily.

marzamemi sicily

1. Piazza Regina Margherita

The main piazza of Marzamemi, Regina Margherita, is perhaps one of the prettiest spots I’ve ever stumbled across on my travels. An explosion of white washed houses adorned with pink bougainvillea, azure-blue doors and rustic tavernas, Marzamemi really is a treat for the eyes. The piazza is also called ‘Antico Borgo dei Pescatori’ or ancient fisherman’s village.

Top tip: Make sure you explore the surrounding passageways that meander off the piazza. You’ll be treated to red-headed mermaid murals snaking up the side of the walls.

marzamemi sicily
pretty place in sicily marzamemi

2. Fishermen’s Houses

As a keen photographer, it was the images of the Fishermen’s cottages in Marzamemi that excited me most. Flanking the pretty piazza and alleyways surrounding it, the fishermen’s houses will leave you dreaming of packing it all in and starting a new life in this sleepy Sicilian village.

3. Visit the Church of San Francesco di Paola

The Church of San Francesco di Paolo sits within the Pizza Regina Margherita. In fact, there are two churches within this piazza, with the original church – Chiesetta sconsacrata di San Francesco di Paola – retired from use after heavy bombing during WW2.

During the midday heat, this was a lovely space to escape to and is a church that is still used regularly by the local community.

marzamemi sicily

4. Enjoy a Lazy Seafood Lunch

Without a doubt, one of the best things to do in Marzamemi is to gorge on delicious, fresh seafood. Our visit was based purely around an extensively long, lazy lunch and was the highlight of our visit.

We opted for a restaurant overlooking the harbour and as temperatures soared, we feasted on fresh fish, grilled vegetables and a chilled white wine. Although lunch in Marzamemi was a delight, it’s the evening time when the pretty piazza truly comes alive. In the summer months, bands play, candles flicker and locals and visitors enjoy sundowners over the harbour.

seafood restaurant marzamemi

5. Visit Artisan and Boutique shops

During my afternoon exploring Marzamemi, I was surprised at just how many artisan and boutique shops there were for such a small village. My favourite shop was a bookstore-cum-restaurant called Liccamuciula.

Here you can enjoy tasty deserts and Sicilian wines, all whilst browsing through local crafts, books, jewellery and more.

day trips from syracuse
where to visit in sicily

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