5 Very Best Things To Do In Thimphu, Bhutan

Thimphu City

Nestled high in the mountains of west-central Bhutan, Thimphu is the country’s largest city and the national capital. It replaced Punakha as the capital of the Bhutanese Kingdom in 1961. The city boasts a tasteful blend of nature, culture, and history. From the remarkably gorgeous landscapes to the ancient monasteries and imposing monuments, there are many picturesque sights to see and things to do in Thimphu.


Buddha Dordenma Statue is one of the most recognizable landmarks of Thimphu.

The 169-foot Shakyamuni Buddha statue is located atop a hill in Kuenselphodrang Nature Park.

Buddha Dordenma Statue - one of best things to do in Thimphu
Buddha Dordenma | Unforgettable Things To Do in Thimphu

The construction of this monument began in 2006 and its completion in 2015 marked the 60th anniversary of fourth king Jigme Singye Wangchuck.

Statues of Buddhist deities at Buddha Point Thimphu
Female Bodhisattvas

Inside of the monument is dotted with 125,000 smaller Buddha statues measuring 8-12 inches. Each statue is made of gilded bronze.

The courtyard is adorned with elegant statues of Buddhist goddesses (Bodhisattvas).

From the hilltop, you can take in stunning views of Thimphu Valley and its peaceful surroundings.


The National Memorial Chorten is a Tibetan-style stupa located right in the heart of Thimphu city.

Erected in 1974, the chorten is dedicated to the third Druk Gyalpo, Jigme Dorji Wangchuck.

He passed away at a young age and couldn’t fulfill his wish to build a chorten representing the mind of Buddha. So, this monument was built by the king’s mother in his memory.

National Memorial Chorten Thimphu
National Memorial Chorten with Mist-clad Hills in The Backdrop

The structure is aesthetically designed with golden spires and finials to mark the top.

This memorial stupa is famously known as the “most visible religious landmark in Bhutan“. It is frequented by locals as well as tourists.

If you are visiting the capital city of Bhutan, this must feature on your list of things to do in Thimphu.

Good to know: in Tibetan, chorten means stupa.


Tucked at the northern end of Thimphu Valley, the ancient Cheri Monastery sits at an altitude of 2,800 meters.

It was established in 1620 by Ngawang Namgyal, the first Zhabdrung Rinpoche and the founder of the Bhutanese state.

Cheri Monastery - one of the interesting things to do in Thimphu
Cheri Monastery | Amazing Things To Do in Thimphu

This monastery is a major teaching center of the Southern Drukpa Lineage of the Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism.

From the base, it’s about an hour hike to the monastery through scenic fir and pine forests.

There is a parking lot at the base with plenty of space to park tourist vehicles.

Walk a few steps from the parking area to get to a small bridge festooned with prayer flags. The Cheri Monastery hike begins right after you cross the bridge..


mask making at National Institute for Zorig Chusum
Mask Making in Progress

A visit to the National Institute for Zorig Chusum is one of the most interesting things to do in Thimphu.

It gives you an opportunity to discover the 13 traditional arts of Bhutan. These art forms include:

sculpturing, wood carving, traditional painting, calligraphy, paper making, bronze casting, embroidery, weaving, carpentry, masonry, bamboo and cane weaving, gold/silver smithy, and blacksmithy.

This institute was founded by the Government of Bhutan to promote the country’s traditional art and craft.

painting classroom in National Institute for Zorig Chusum
Painting Classroom

You can take a tour of the institute and see the students in action in their classrooms. Tourists are allowed to visit and take pictures during working hours.


Set on the west bank of the Wang Chhu River, Pangri Zampa Monastery is just 8 km north of Thimphu city. A Tibetan Lama, Ngawang Chogyal, founded it in the 16th century.

There are two temples in the monastery complex. The main temple, Pangri Zampa Lhakhang, is located on the northeast side of the complex.

Pangri Zampa Monastery - one of the best things to do in Thimphu
Pangri Zampa Monastery | Best Things To Do in Thimphu

According to folklore, this temple appeared in the dream of Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal (the unifier of Bhutan) bringing him from Tibet to Bhutan in 1616.

After coming to Bhutan, he built another temple next to Pangri Zampa Lhakhang and lived there. This temple is known as Zhabdrung Lhakhang.

This monastery complex also serves as the astrology college for Buddhist students.

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